Avoid translation scam
First of all, keep in mind always that you have to use common sense when dealing with people on the internet for the first time. Online dating services are good for people who are serious in their intention either it's friendly or romantic relationship, although there's also a chance that these sites are also used by people who do their business right there. If you have never met your pen-pal personally and if this person wants to visit you and needs money for visa, airfares, surgesry, internet access, "show cash" to the customs, pay for translation services - beware, this person can be a scam.
That's also about so called translation agencies. They start by posting profiles, usually with high quality photos,
use false names, pictures of professional but not so famous models and start comunication with male members as on behalf of a profile owner, they usually include new photos with each message to lure a man in. But they register on the site not with a goal of finding a partner, but their perpose is to find victims and take their money. After 3-5 messages have been sent to each other between a man and a woman, suddenly arrives a letter from a Translation agency manager, stating that their services should be paid if you wish to continue communication with a woman. Usually they offer separate letter translation, or monthly fee for a certain amount of letters.
As a rule, these illegal translation agencies do not have their own websites with the description of their services and price list. They also often change name of the so-called translation agency but continue to use the same canned letter offering their services. If you received this kind of letter, take some time and do some internet research about the agency and their service, also names of people you contacted with, as timely found information can be useful and help you avoid being frustrated or scammed. If you find yourself in this situation stop communicating with her immediately.
Stay alert and use common sense , and you will never be scammed. If you receive any suspicious requests, report them, so that site owners could investigate, take scammers offline and remove their profiles. Nowadays all kinds of free online translators are available to use without any third party's help, so two people always can find the way to understand each other's messages.